For those who have figured out who I am by my posts
you will know who I am talking about, for those that haven’t figured it out im
sure you know someone who this post will remind you of…
I love cats and all things cat related, im even a
member of Cats Addicts Anonymouse group on facebook. Cat’s are hilarious, they
are cute, they are just all round awesome. There is nothing wrong with people
who adore their cats, or any pet for that matter. I thought I had heard and
seen it all but I think my brother has taken it to a NEW LEVEL OF WEIRDNESS.
I had just finished a very tough and busy shift at
work, I had made my way home and knocked on the door to be let in. What am I greeted
by? Have a guess…go on, guess. I’ll tell you what I wasn’t greeted by, I wasn’t
greeted by a girl of my dreams, I wasn’t greeted by a mythical penguin or even
a tiny leprachaun. I would of thought all of those would of made more sense
then what did occur. I was greeted by my brother and our kitten Scuttles
(My Girl Scuttles).
Imainge a voice that is high pitched, high volume
and very animated. Imagine this voice as if it was the voice of a cartoon
character (come to think of it, it does remind me of some character…) and then
imagine my kitten welcoming me in this cartoon with this voice and with some
very bad lip sycnching going on. This was how I was greeted “Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,
welcome Hoooooooooooooome”.
People talk of Guantanamo bay, Iraqi prisons, Carly
Rae (“Hey this is crazy and I just “ENOUGH!!!”) and various other forms of
extreme torture…I think I topped that. Then also imagine that this goes on
almost ALL of the time in some voice or another when my brother and Scuttles
are in the same romm together. The other favourite voice that Scuttles ‘has’ is
a Southern Belle accent. Imagine the following in said accent…”My name is
Scuttles and I am a lady” or “I do declare, that guy is a handsome fellow”…insert
own line!
Don’t get me wrong it was hilarious to begin with
and still is on some occassions but only in SMALL DOSES. This is war!!
Feel my pain