A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, there was a
guy that blogged. This guy never sought attention nor did he blog to get
followers. It was never an ego thing; he merely needed a means to vent the
feelings and thoughts that followed him wherever he went. To begin with
he-who-shall-probably-will-be-named was coming up with topics to write about
faster then he could write them, a passion was sparked, a fire was lit and a
new dawn had arrived. He felt like a new man with purpose and for a long time
blogging was therapeutic and good for his ‘most-likely-has-one’ Soul.
Eventually the novelty wore off for my dear friend and blogging soon became a
real effort. As soon as the motivation went, the honeymoon period was over.
I’m sure you must have questions. Like, who am i? How do I
know ForeverConflicted? What is the meaning of life? Why doesn’t Lady Gaga just
commit herself? What is a question? Why do I ask questions? Is there any point
to this? Are you trying to be innovative? I like pickle juice.
To be honest, the truth is…..*drumroll* OBVIOUS PLOT ‘TWIST’…I AM YOUR FATHER! ForeverConflicted is
actually myself and let’s be honest; I had you all fooled O.o. ‘A long time
between drinks’, it has been a while since I last blogged, june/july infact. To
put it simply, I did infact lose the motivation to blog, it felt like too much
of an effort and truth be told, the lack of followers did affect me.
To start with, I was just happy to write and share my
personality with the world in an anonymous way and this was true for quite
awhile. It was fun noticing that people were viewing my blogs from different
countries, watching the view’s per page tick over…I felt like in some way that
I was a bit famous and that I had a lot of virtual friends all over the world!
It was a massive ego boost. It wasn’t too long until I started to become a
self-conscious and the lack of followers was starting to get to me.
I started thinking to myself, “the lack of followers must
mean that my blog isn’t any good or that “I am not interesting as a person”.
All of a sudden, I was blogging for the wrong reasons!! It took me way to long
to realise this and now that I have, I understand the true purpose of blogs.
Blogs aren’t (or shouldn’t) be a popularity contest, nay I say! NAY!! Blogs
give, for the most part, people a voice, mostly those whom otherwise might have
trouble expressing it in other means (Darth Vader and Bane would be good
candidates for blogs methinks…I mean seriously, who can understand those
guys…”I am Bane and my voice never broke”).
In closing, my question to you *points finger dramatically
at screen*: Why do you blog???
Peace out homies,
I originally started blogging as a way of getting my ideas and "humour" out to people (stand up hadn't occured to me at that stage). I wanted to know if I could make strangers lol.
ReplyDeleteConnecting with people through writing allows you to connect deep within their minds. Unless of course they are still reading out loud, in that case you should probably type slower.
Now that I do standup, dare I say as a "comedian", I still like blogging because it lets me explore concepts that are too long for the stage. Topics that may be too complex for a drunk in a comedy club. Nobody wants to pay $10 entry to listen to a guy talk about the interesting, funny, and human like qualities of bees unless the comedian is Noel Fielding (and in that case they are paying more than $10)