Wednesday, 20 June 2012

I raise a glass to you...

I was facing the very real possibility of a boring day at work today and it nearly was that all the way through my shift. Time just dragged.....and dragged....and dragged, ugh!! Usually i would content myself with playing re-runs of my favourite movies in my mind in times of such need but alas work needed to be done.

It was out of the blue, about 2/3's of the way through my shift when a fellow staff member came up to and passed along some feedback, regarding myself, from a patron they had just talked to. I quote "the couple that just walked through just said to me that they had been coming to the movies for over 10 years and he (me) is the best guy here, he really loves his movies".

From that point on i had a massive smile on my face and i genuinely felt good about myself, this rarely happens so i soaked it up for what it was worth. Being complimented by a patron like that is extremely rare, so when it happens, it's truly uplifting. I was humbled and felt validated at the same time. I have a certain code when it comes to patron/customer interaction, "leave them with the best possible feeling i can"...usually i achieve this through getting them to smile, or to laugh, or to simply talk about their day. However, i never do this in the hope i will be recognised or talked about...i do it simply to brighten someone's day, not for the compliments or any self benefit.

While im on the subject, alot of this type of positive customer service will go un-noticed by your managers and fellow staff. So basically what i want to here with this post is share my good moment and dedicate it to everyone who loves customer service and has a positive influence on the people they deal with regardless if they get noticed or not.


  1. I agree, I have asked to speak to a manager once so that I could relay my receivership of quality service.

    Sometimes people are just awesome at their job and that should be celebrated.

    1. here here?? hear hear? eh. Good on you for doing that, im sure it was much appreciated

  2. I love it when I get on first name basis with a customer.

    1. amen, it makes them feel valued and gives them a reason to come visit
